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Publication description

Tobacco : its History Illustrated by the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings in the Library of George Arents, Jr.

Publication structure:
  • Brooks, Jerome E., Tobacco : its History Illustrated by the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings in the Library of George Arents, Jr.
    • Brooks, Jerome E., 1937, Tobacco : its History Illustrated by the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings in the Library of George Arents, Jr. Vol. 1, 1507-1615 / together with an introductory essay a glossary and bibliographic notes by Jerome E. Brooks.
    • Brooks, Jerome E., 1938, Tobacco : its History Illustrated by the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings in the Library of George Arents, Jr. Vol. 2, 1616-1698 / together with an introductory essay a glossary and bibliographic notes by Jerome E. Brooks.
    • Brooks, Jerome E., 1943, Tobacco : its History Illustrated by the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings in the Library of George Arents, Jr. Vol. 4 1784-1942 / together with an introductory essay a glossary and bibliographic notes by Jerome E. Brooks
    • Brooks, Jerome E., 1941, Tobacco : its History Illustrated by the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings in the Library of George Arents, Jr. Vol. 3, 1698-1783 / together with an introductory essay a glossary and bibliographic notes by Jerome E. Brooks.