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Similar to edition Exlibris Józefa Zięby
  • - Number of objects found:   185
    • Editions: 185
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1.  DjVu Exlibris Józefa Tworka []
Accuracy: 100%
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2.  DjVu Exlibris ppłk Józefa Górnego : z-cy prezydenta miasta Chełma []
Accuracy: 86%
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3.  DjVu Exslibris ks. kanonika Józefa Piłata []
Accuracy: 86%
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4.  DjVu Exlibris prof.dr hab. Józefa Zająca []
Accuracy: 86%
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5.  DjVu Exslibris dr Marii i dr Józefa Szafranków []
Accuracy: 86%
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6.  DjVu Exlibris Jerzego Grosmana []
Accuracy: 71%
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7.  DjVu Exlibris Zofii Grosman []
Accuracy: 71%
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8.  DjVu Exlibris Marzeny Grosman []
Accuracy: 71%
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9.  DjVu Exlibris Zofii Grosman; bibliotekarki []
Accuracy: 71%
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10.  DjVu Exlibris Jerzego Matysiaka []
Accuracy: 67%
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